Ann Patricio

We are all creative beings, and creativity, like a river, wants to flow and move.
Where would you like to experience more flow in your life?
Thank you for visiting my website! I am a professional coach, workshop / retreat facilitator, and movement teacher. I'm excited to share with you the work that I do and my journey getting here. I welcome you to explore these pages, and if something strikes a chord and you'd like to experience my work, I hope to hear from you. I offer a complimentary 30 minute coaching session so you can get a feel for my work and style.
I am passionate about our human experience, how we navigate our lives, the multitude of lenses through which we see the world, and the creative spark that lies within each person. Whether I'm seeing individual coaching clients or facilitating a group class or workshop, what I bring is my intuition, creativity, compassion, curiosity, and trust in Divine wisdom to flow where and as needed. I bring my practical coach training, decades of experience in the healing and performing arts and my life experience to every encounter. I am a sister, a daughter, a wife, a mother, a friend, a professional partner, a business owner, a dancer, a deep thinker, a lover, an artist, a volunteer, a teacher, and a healer.
I guide people to be present with it all, to hear the whisper of their life's calling and to share their unique gifts with the world.
I spent the early years of my life studying to be a professional theatre actor and went on to get a Masters in Theatre and perform professionally. I explored human emotions, intentions, obstacles, choices and actions, what makes people tick, and how we relate and communicate. The level of self-awareness and self-discovery required to be an actor helped me prepare for everything life has presented thus far, and was the foundation for my work as a coach and facilitator.
As a massage therapist, I've spent thirty years using touch and inquiry to help my clients process physical and emotional pain and challenges. I know how valuable breath is to our healing and relaxation, and I know that the body is often saying what we cannot or will not express. The body is our teacher, our vehicle, our messenger, barometer and our ally.
If we have lost connection and appreciation for our bodies,
we feel this disconnection in other areas of our lives.
Our journey to healing our relationships begins with our relationship to our bodies.
In 2006 I discovered the Nia Technique, became an instructor, and it has been part of my daily practice ever since. Nia is fusion fitness that integrates dance, martial arts, and healing arts to tone and strengthen our body, mind, emotions, and Spirit. Through Nia, we connect to sensation in the body and the Joy of Movement.
Today the work that I do integrates all aspects of myself and my training. Personal transformation requires a multi-layered approach that includes mindfulness and observation, supported by curiosity and self-compassion, seasoned with inspired action. I"m excited for the current work I'm doing with my long-time friend, fellow coach and business partner, Jackie Priestley. Together we have co-created The Alive & Inspired Process and we have been facilitating Alive and Inspired Retreats in the US and abroad since 2017. To learn more about Alive and Inspired, as well as to register for our Daily Inspiration Practice or an upcoming retreat, click here.
The Alive & Inspired Process is a journey that begins and ends with our connection to ourselves, honors our wild, creative, and authentic selves and is balanced by outward expression and action.

Explore with Ann
I honor and welcome all parts of you right where you are, and my work is about helping you develop self-compassion and the ability to honor yourself. Using tools of mindfulness and presencing I hold a light as you explore, and help you gain clarity around what’s at play in your life, what lens you're looking through and what wants to be seen and revealed.
Move with Ann
Nia is fusion fitness that integrates dance arts, martial arts, and healing arts to tone and strengthen your body, mind, emotions, and spirit. Nia brings mindfulness to your dance movement experience leaving you energized, mentally clear, and emotionally balanced.
Transform with Ann
Immerse yourself in a retreat experience that will deeply nourish your body and soul, awaken what's possible and clarify what's next. Each day will be infused with experiential exercises, self inquiry and opportunity to deeply listen and respond to what's calling you forth.